San Benito County Traffic Tickets
Start fighting your traffic ticket in under a minute.
San Benito county has beautiful country throughout its 1,390 square miles of land. There are many wineries and organic farm within its boundaries that attract visitors year-round. If you are visiting San Benito county, or you live there, and you are ticketed for a traffic violation, contact GetDismissed right away. We will work hard to make sure you don’t pay excessive fees as a result of the citation.
So you got a traffic ticket in San Benito County. Welcome to the club. You probably don’t know it, but your ticket is just one of over 5,000,000 tickets written every year in California. And, of that huge number, only a small percentage will ever be contested.
Sure, you’re angry at the officer for pulling you over and you’re annoyed at yourself for doing whatever it is the officer pulled you over for in the first place. And, of course, you’re plenty mad about all of the time and money this ticket is going to cost you. But the real question is what are you going to do about it?
Well, what if there was a better way to fight your traffic ticket in California. What if there were a system that provided drivers all of their exact same rights under the law to contest a traffic ticket, but also did not cost you precious time and money? Wouldn’t that be great? Well, we have good news for you. There is such a system, and it’s called a “Trial by Written Declaration.”
The lights are flashing, the siren is blaring and you just handed the traffic officer your license, registration and proof of insurance. All because you were driving over the speed limit. Again! It doesn’t feel great does it? Don’t despair though, getting caught is always a wakeup call but the good news is that fighting a speeding ticket is not too difficult under the right circumstances.
Fighting a red light ticket may be easier than you’d ever think! But first, you’ll want to make double sure that all of the information reflected on the ticket is actually accurate. Unfortunately, with the rise of fraud and identity theft, there have been some cases of con-artists mailing out falsified tickets. Check your name, address and vehicle information closely for anything that seems missing or incorrect. Once you’re sure it is a legitimate document, you can begin to examine various forms of defense and move forward with contesting a red light ticket.
We all know the feeling. You’re multi-tasking your way through a busy morning and you quickly use your cell phone while you’re behind the wheel of a car. Suddenly highway patrol magically appears out of nowhere, pulls you over and slaps you with a cell phone ticket. As you watch them drive away it’s easy to give in to the despair and just pay up. However, fighting a cell phone ticket is actually a little simpler than you may think, especially if you’ve done a few key things correctly.
San Benito County Superior Court of California – 450 Fourth Street, Hollister, CA 95023
San Benito County Traffic Ticket Protection
Customers with Traffic Ticket Protection pay only the yearly Traffic Ticket Protection service fee and may add an unlimited number of traffic tickets that are eligible for the Trial by Written Declaration service to their GetDismissed account. This protection can save drivers hundreds of dollars and covers future tickets only.
San Benito County Traffic School
If you’ve received a ticket in California, you don’t want that minor traffic error to mar your driving record. It can cause your insurance rates to increase. There are certain instances where you can go to traffic school to mask the traffic ticket. The insurance companies won’t know you had a problem.
San Benito County Traffic Ticket Look up or Payments
Online Options: Look up Your Ticket, Forfeit Bail or Pay Fine/Fees, Pay Traffic School Fees (bail amounts plus enrollment fee), Pay and Forfeit Bail in Installments, Pay Traffic School Fees in Installments, Extend Citation Due Date, Fine Due Date, or Traffic School Completion Due Date, or Confirm Traffic School Dismissal.
San Benito County Transportation Commission
The goal of the County Transportation Commission is to plan, fund and deliver transportation programs and projects that expand access and improve mobility to foster a vibrant and livable County.
*If you don’t have your ticket handy, it’s okay — you can still start the process and just add it later!
*Be sure to quickly add as many notes about the stop as you can so you don’t leave out any important details!
*We will send you a completed packet for the court that just needs your signature and a stamp!